Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday is that you?

Wow, what a week... I can't believe It's already Thursday. This week has literally flown by for me, anyone else? I am still so excited and happy to announce that my house is still clean, as I am typing this I have laundry & dishes going, to catch up on some other little things around the house, but other than that, it's pretty nice...ahhh yeah. Lindsey is still here & I can't wait to see her again tomorrow and get some chatting in (:
here are some pictures from her arrival on Sunday.

Kambria getting out of the car, still not knowing what was going on..

Kambria & her cousin Hunter.

Kambria, Me & Hunts..

Hunter & Berlyn * Birthday Twins*

Hunter & Berlyn again :) (please excuse my large bird nose taking up the whole camera lense)

The little ones didn't know what to think of eachother, actually, I wish I could have been inside their heads at the time..Hunter was trying to eat Berlyn and Berlyn was crying because she was so scared. It was pretty funny, when they came over the next day, they were much more happier and aware to be around eachother
:) boy am I so glad I didn't have two babies at one time though, that would have been TOUGH...Nanny 911!! Kambria is such a great big sissy and a great big cousin (: She is so proud everytime she can hold one of them like a big girl (:

Tuesday dance nights came around again, this time Kambria wanted to have the prettiest hair there, So I fixed it a little fancy for her

She is growing into such a young lady, right before my eyes. I wish it would stop and turn around, so I can do it all over again. I have less than a month with her until she is off to Kindergarten. Everytime I think about it I cry, I know when the day comes I am going to flood the classroom, that's what I'm hoping for anyways, then she can't leave me :) haha... Actually I know she needs to go to school to learn and to grow. She isn't my little caterpillar anymore, she is a gorgeous butterfly!

and then it became Thursday... so quickly :) which is very exciting. we have plans to work on the back this weekend, clean things up back there since we are in the process of trying to rent our condo out (: lots of fun in the sun, right?

and here are my lovely girls this morning

sorry that the quality of the pictures from my camera phone are about the quality of a cheap trash bag that leaks all the way to the garage door as you try and take it out (: yes, i've bought them before and let's just say, i won't make that mistake again.

and a funny story for ya'll...( it's okay for me to laugh about it now because the pain is slowly drifting away)
i tucked kambria all snuggly into her bed last night and was coming down the stairs with her glass of chocolate milk, maybe I was in a hurry? Josh and I were watching 'remember me' downstairs. Well the next thing I knew was I slid maybe 5-6 stairs and I was at the bottom, the glass shattered everywhere, I hit my butt/tailbone SO hard and my head flew back and hit the stairs. It was not a happy situation for anyone :( Kambria came running down stairs & started crying as soon as she saw my crying, Josh and Berlyn came running around the corner, Berlyn started crying. Luckily I had Josh there to clean everything up and finishing putting Berlyn to sleep, while Kambria took care of me. It was the cutest thing EVER. She was holding my hand, rubbing my hair, told me to think of "nice" things, like my dogs when I was little, or my pet unicorn, that's when I lost it....It hurt so bad to laugh but I couldn't hold it in. Kambria was racing around the house, from the kitchen, to the living room, to the bathroom, like a Dr. that was taking care of 50 patients. She was putting band aids on me and dabbing the medicine off with Berlyns wipes. SO CUTE and caring. She has a heart of gold. She said it was her job to stay with me until she went to sleep and she would not be going to sleep before me :) sneaky girl, tryin to get extra awake time!.. To sum it all up, when Josh took over, she gave him a paper with instructions on how to take care of me and she ended up sleeping in our bed, juuustttt to make sure I would be alright.

and here we are at love again....she is love and knows how to love. I am so blessed to have her, Josh & Berlyn in my life and I can't think God enough!

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