Thursday, July 8, 2010


I asked Josh the other day what the biggest word he knew was, I don't even remember what his reply was(obviously too big for me to know or remember :) ) and I don't even know why I asked him that or why I even wanted to know... and then I started thinking about the biggest word that I knew was.. This comes from me sometimes being self-conscious of my smarts... I guess that's how I would put it? I don't know big words and I don't know a whole lot of stuff but the biggest word to me is; LOVE. Love is such a deep word to me and is endless. There is no time-line on love; no interest rate that is going to change in a year, no lease that will be up in 6 months, no cancellation fee or return policy, just simple love. I love to love and I love to be loved, it's the greatest feeling in the world. Last night I felt ginormous amounts of love.. Kambria and I haven't had a date in almost two weeks, I try to break away with just her and I to go on a special outing. The nail shop is our number one spot for mommy/daughter pedicures!

and we always have some sort of coffee or ice cream stop in there too :) we have found a new-found love we both like to enjoy, a nice massage. They have a place in the middle of the mall that is $6 for 6 minutes or $15 for 15 minutes. It is so nice to relax and to see Kambria relaxing on that massage table and soaking in some love.

It is always so special to Kambria & so special to me to get our time together. She is adjusting to having a little sister so well but adores when she gets some big girl time with mommy that brings me to last night, she asked if she could take a bath with me, it's been awhile since we have bathed together so I thought why not? I sprinkled rose pedals on the bathroom floor, lit some candles, put some grape juice in wine cups & WA,LA...a nice romantic bath with my sweet baby girl. Not only did I get to enjoy the bath with Kambria, but Berlyn joined shortly after we knocked over a wine glass and had to call Josh in for clean up duty.  Berlyn was just about to soak up some love in her own bathtub but little did she know, she was just about to have the bath of her life with mommy and sissy. Berlyn LOVED it, she was cracking up laughing the whole time and splashing around. I wish we would of had the camera there, although those pictures would not have been G or even PG rated for that matter...nonetheless, it was all pure love. I loved soaking in the bath with both of my baby girls. We didn't plan for the wineglass to break, but we managed and continued our romantic candle-lit bath anyways! Kambria did propose an idea I should have though of a long time ago....plastic wine cups... :) yeppp, I will be searching for some fancy ones for her. She likes to pretend she is all grown up, drinking out of fancy cups, wearing high-heels, having the "bump" in her hair, buttt she isn't quite ready to handle an actual wine glass yet, sometimes plastic really is better :) 
So here is my fancy conclusion for all you out there reading this, love really is the answer and you really are better off with some love in your life!

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